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Avoid Speeding Tickets

Your online guide to Bear Traps (Speed Traps) and Exits for all the Interstate Highways of the United States.  When traveling the Intestate Highway System, check here for driving tips. 
Bears are creatures of habit

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Bear Traps On Interstate wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)

Driving tips while traveling in the States of Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts

WASHINGTON  wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)

Mile Marker Exit Name
WA 0 Junction Interstate 5
WA 6 BEAR TRAP Eastbound exiting tunnel
WA 9 BEAR TRAP Details
WA 11 Junction Interstate 405
WA 15 BEAR TRAP Details
WA 31 North Bend
WA 34 BEAR TRAP Details
WA 100 BEAR TRAP Details
WA 110 Junction Interstate 82
WA 100 BEAR TRAP Details
WA 118 BEAR TRAP Details
WA 280 Spokane
WA 299 State Line; Idaho
IDAHO wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Name
ID 0 State line; Washington
ID 13 Coeur D’Alena
ID 60 Kellogg
ID 73 State Line; Montana
MONTANA wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Name
MT 0 State Line; Idaho
MT 101 Missoula
MT 219 Junction Interstate 15 South
MT 226 Butte
MT 227 Junction Interstate 15 North
MT 308 Bozeman
MT 446 Billings
MT 456 Junction Interstate 94 East
MT 495 Hardin
MT 557 State Line; Wyoming
WYOMING wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Number
WY 0 State Line; Montana
WY 20 Sheridan
WY 57 Junction Interstate 25 South
WY 58 Buffalo
WY 126 Gillette
WY 206 State Line; South Dakota
SOUTH DAKOTA wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Name
SD 0 State Line: Wyoming
SD 10 Spearfish
SD 30 Strugis
SD 57 Rapid City
SD 66 Box Elder
SD 334 Mitchell
SD 396 Junction Interstate 29
SD 399 Sioux Falls
SD 400 Junction Interstate 229
SD 411 State Line; Minnesota
MINNESOTA wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Name
MN 0 State Line; South Dakota
MN 43 Worthington
MN 159 Junction Interstate 35
MN 216 Rochester
MN 278 State Line; Wisconsin
WISCONSIN wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Name
WI 0 State Line; Minnesota
WI 1 BEAR TRAP Eastbound
WI 1 La Crosse
WI 45 Junction Interstate 94 West
WI 90 BEAR TRAP Details
WI 108 Portage
WI 110 BEAR TRAP Details
WI 139 Junction Interstate 94 East
WI 160 Atkinson
WI 177 BEAR TRAP Details
WI 185 Beloit
WI 187 State Line; Illinois
ILLINOIS wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Mane
IL 0 State Line; Wisconsin
IL 1 Begin Toll Rd Eastbound
IL 17 Junction Interstate 39 South
IL 53 to 59 BEAR TRAP Detail
IL 75 Begin Toll RD Westbound
IL 85 Junction Interstate 94 Northwest
IL 85 to 94 BEAR TRAP Detail
Il 94 Junction Interstate 290 West
IL 94 Chicago
IL 95 Junction Interstate 55 South
IL 99 est Junction Interstate 94 East
IL 105 est State Line; Indiana
INDIANA wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Name
IN 0 State Line; Indiana
IN 1 Begin Toll Eastbound
IN 13 Gary
IN 17 Junction Interstate 65 South
IN 21 Junction Interstate 94
IN 77 South Bend
IN 144 Junction Interstate 69
IN 155 Begin Toll Westbound
IN 156 State Line; Ohio
OHIO wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Mile Marker Exit Name
OH 0 State Line; Indiana
OH 1 Chicken Coop
OH 60 Toledo
OH 63 Junction Interstate 75
OH 70 Junction Interstate 270 North
OH 145 Junction Interstate 80 East
OH 152 BEAR TRAP Details
OH 163 BEAR TRAP Details
OH 167 Cleveland
OH 168 Junction Interstate 71 South
OH 178 BEAR TRAP Bratenahl
OH 182 Euclid
OH 188 Junction Interstate 271
OH 229 Ashtabula
OH 241 BEAR TRAP Details
OH 244 State Line; Pennsylvania
PENNSYLVANIA wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Exit Number Exit Name
PA 0 State Line; Ohio
PA 1 Truck Scales
PA 22 Junction Intertstate 79
PA 22 Erie
PA 137 Junction Interstate 86 East
PA 45 BEAR TRAP Details
PA 45 State Line; New York
NEW YORK wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Exit/Mile Marker Exit Name
NY 61 State Line; Pennsylvania
NY 60 BEAR TRAP Details
NY 59 Dunkirk / Fredonia
NY 53 Junction Interstate 190 West
NY 51 Buffalo
NY 50 Junction Interstate 290 North
NY 47, MM 371 Junction Interstate 490 BEAR TRAP
NY 46 Junction Interstate 390, Rochester
NY 41 Seneca Falls
NY 40 BEAR TRAP Details
NY 39 Junction Interstate 690
NY 37 Syracuse
NY 36 Junction Interstate 81
NY 34 Junction Interstate 481
NY 33, MM353 BEAR TRAP Details Verona
NY 31 Junction Interstate 790, Utica
NY 26 Schenectady
NY 25A Junction Interstate 88 West
NY 25 BEAR TRAP Details
NY 25 Junction Interstate 890
NY 24 Junction Interstate 87
NY 24 Begin New York Thruway Westbound
NY 0 Begin Freebie 90
NY 1 Junction Interstate 87
NY 6 Albany
NY 12 End Freebie 90,
NY B1 Begin Toll Eastbound
NY B2 Chatham Center
NY B3 Red Rock
NY B4 State Line; Massachusetts
MASSACHUSETTS   wpe5E.gif (2186 bytes)
Exit Number Exit Name
MA 0 State Line; New York
MA 3 BEAR TRAP Details
MA 4 Junction Interstate 91, Springfield
MA 6 Junction Interstate 291 South
MA 9 Junction Interstate 84 West
MA 10 Junction Interstate 395
MA 11 Junction Interstate 495
MA 15 Junction Interstate 95
MA 23 BEAR TRAP Details
MA 24 Junction Interstate 93
Boston, End of I-90

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Notes;  wpe45.gif (2117 bytes)

Intra-city Bear Traps are not reported in larger cities.  No regular pattern is identifiable other than at the outskirts near the city limits. 

wpe5D.gif (2186 bytes)

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  There have been  visitors since  September 4, 1998
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