Reported November 26 2001 by
Interstate 90 in
Washington State, Mile Marker
WA15 near Issaquah.
Andy reports; "This
is a HUGE trap, possibly the biggest in the state on I-90 (either this one or
the one at mile 9). Can be for either eastbound or westbound drivers. One or
two troopers at a time sit in this trap. Speed limit is 60 but they'll give
about 10."
"Eastbound: Drivers start to get the sense they're
leaving the urban area around this point and give a little extra gas. Going
eastbound, the trap is at the bottom of a hill beyond a stand of ever
greens but it is easy to spot if you're looking for it."
"Westbound: Primarily used at rush hour to catch
carpool lane violators but can be used to catch speeders as well. The carpool
lane has started less than a mile before this point so they often get
stragglers who don't "move over right away."
"My work is at exit 15 so I pass this spot 5 times a
week and there is a trooper there about once a week, more often than not on a
motorcycle (but just as visible as a Crown Vic if you're looking for it) in
the summer months."
Looks like Anthony knows what
he is talking about.
There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because
they are creatures of habit.
Read my book Bear Traps On The
Interstate and learn Bears tricks
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