Reported November 26 2001 by
Interstate 90 in
Washington, Mile Marker
WA100 near Thorp.
Andy reports; "The
trap is for eastbound drivers. It is located on a straight stretch which goes
down hill for about two miles. In the median of the
road around milepost 100 about 1/2 mile before Exit 101, there is a clump of
trees with a turnaround for emergency vehicles immediately beyond it. Two or
three Washington State Patrol troopers at a time sit in this trap, pull
vehicles over between 1/4 and 1/2 mile down the road (sometimes hard to see
because the Exit 101 overpass can block view of road that far up), travel to
another turn around about 1 mile beyond the trap,
return to the trap and wait for another speeder. They make a killing because
coming down from Snoqualmie Pass, most drivers will go over the 70MPH limit in
the area and won't see the WSP until it's too late. They have been trapping
in this spot since at least 1991 (and probably well before) and when I lived
in Eastern Washington in the early 90s, I NEVER sped through this area. I've
seen troopers there twice in the past three months so they're definitely still
at it. One big point to make about this trap: The WSP usually gives 10 over
the limit on Interstates in Washington but at this trap, they only seem to
give 5. I've seen people that I thought were just slightly over the limit get
caught here many times. I've driven from Seattle to Spokane at least 100
times and I can state definitively that this is by far the biggest trap on
I-90 in Eastern Washington. ."
Andy needs to learn that Bear
will tolerate 7 MPH over the limit, and 8 MPH is a citation. Their
guidelines are that black and white. This seems to be a Nation Wide
There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because
they are creatures of habit.
Read my book Bear Traps On The
Interstate and learn Bears tricks
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