Reported April 22, 2002
by Paul
Interstate 70 in
Illinois, Mile Marker
IL 24 near Silver Lake in the Highland Rest Area IL.
This driver reports: "As
you pass the Rest Areas Either East Or west bound, as you begin to pass you
will notice 7 ft wood fences at the end of the rest areas surrounding the
dumpsters, they will back into the fences surrounding the sides and shoot
radar in your back as you pass. I have lived
here in this area 20 years and the last year to year and a half they have used
this area. Also in this area BEWARE Red, White
and Black Camaro's. You
don't know your had, till your had"
There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because
they are creatures of habit.
Read my book Bear Traps On The
Interstate and learn Bears tricks
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