Reported November 15 2001 by
Interstate 66 in
Virginia, Mile Marker
VA40 near Haymarket.
Mike reports "Local or State
sits in median directly across from Eastbound side in front of entrance ramp
as you pass under route 15 overpass>"
Looks like the little town of
Haymarket has determined the value of the driver's dollar is worth more than
public opinion of Haymarket. We see the game they are playing, increase
revenue under the guise of a bear trap.
There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because
they are creatures of habit.
Read my book Bear Traps On The
Interstate and learn Bears tricks
We now provide visitors with a
Electronics Shoppe with radar detectors, GPS, StreetPilots, and even chart
plotters to make your driving experience more enjoyable.
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