Interstate 5 in
Washington Mile Marker 169 to 178 in Shoreline WA.
Eric reports: "SB
I-5: Median behind overpasses and/or center divide
from S 128th exit in Everett past Alderwood Mall down to the Lake Forest
Part/Edmonds Exit (N 180th). Usually cars N of 405 and motorcycles S of 405.
NB: No real opportunities/staging areas in Median from N. 180th to N. 224,
but there are several as you approach Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood.
Off to your left at the junction with 405 are several ambush sites. Continue
to be wary as you approach 128th of vehicles in the center median on both
sides of the freeway."
Peter reports:
Northbound at the NE 145th St exit, bear sets up
under the 145th overpass, radar-guns the traffic coming downhill from 130th
St, dispatches to 3-6 WSP cars staged on the 145th northbound onramp.
Sometimes the radar unit here is an airborne unit."
Bears are creatures of habit.
There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because
they are creatures of habit.
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Interstate and learn Bears tricks
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