March 4, 2002 by
Interstate 40 in
Tennessee, Mile Marker
TN 307 near Rest Areas.
Jim reports: "I-40
East & Westbound Mile Marker 307 is a median turn around for TN
Hwy Patrol units they sit in the median and
you cannot see them until its to late. the posted speed is 70 MPH but a lot of
drivers are doing 80+. This area is heavy with bears last 5 days of the month."
There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because
they are creatures of habit.
Read my book Bear Traps On The
Interstate and learn Bears tricks
We now provide visitors with a
Electronics Shoppe with radar detectors, GPS, StreetPilots, and even chart
plotters to make your driving experience more enjoyable.
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