Reported May 2, 2000
by an AOL member
Confirmed May 9, 2004 by Joe
Confirmed August 14, 2004 by Bob
Interstate 40 in Oklahoma, Mile
Marker OK 325 near Roland OK
The Roland is one of the first towns in
Oklahoma if you are heading West and you can frequently find Bear involved in
a drug interdiction program as this is a focal point for drug traffic entering
the State. Many States patrol traffic entering the State.
Joe reports: "Bears
target low income, out of state drivers , search their vehicles without
warrents, & "hold" drivers and others vehicle occupants until fines are paid.
Pay your fine immediately, and walk THE SAME HOUR, even for DUI/DWI (this
shows they are in it for the $$$, not law enforcement. Yes I PERSONALLY
witnessed that event while being "held"). If you can't pay, don't expect
medical treatment for existing ailments (one old man there ended up in the
hospital because they refused to address his diabetes). Also, DO expect the
entire station to be full of bigots, and do listen for very sick racist
jokes. They are proud of those jokes and will not hide them, even when around
an afro-american."
Bob reports; "East
bound you go over an overpass. Trooper is about 100 yards ahead in the median.
Unmarked white car. His radar was off - so no warning. About 1 mile further
East his partner (another unmarked white car) was headed West - probably to
join the first guy."
Bears are creatures of habit.
There are 6 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because
they are creatures of habit.
Read my book Bear Traps On The
Interstate and learn Bears tricks
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