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Avoid Speeding Tickets

Your online guide to Bear Traps (Speed Traps) and Exits for all the Interstate Highways of the United States.  When traveling the Intestate Highway System, check here for driving tips. 
Bears are creatures of habit

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Reported  June 21, 2002 by Binx

Read Why You Need A Radar Detector

Interstate 8 in DelawareMile Marker 3 near Border.

This Driver reports: "west bound. DPS trooper sits in median between the bridges over cow bayou, so he cannot be seen by westbound traffic until they have passed. I suspect he gets you going away from him..."

This is likely a Drug Interdiction Bear Trap watching for drug traffic entering the State.  You will frequently find a bear near State lines when you enter a State.

There are 7 specific "Situations" where you can find bears because they are creatures of habit.  Read my book Bear Traps On The Interstate and learn Bears tricks

We now provide visitors with a complete Electronics Shoppe with radar detectors, GPS, StreetPilots, and even chart plotters to make your driving experience more enjoyable.

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